Welcome to Live Forgiven Church
“Live Forgiven Today.”
Sunday Morning Worship
Join us Sunday Mornings at 10:30am for a time of worship and hearing from God’s word.
Sunday School
Sunday School classes are available during the service every Sunday to children and Youth ages 0-16. Students are dismissed for classes after our time of worship together and Kids Corner.
Each week students spend time learning the Word of God and God’s heart and love for them.
Students can be signed in each Sunday before worship at the kiosk in the foyer. Parents may pick up their children from their classrooms and sign them out directly after worship.
- Nursery (ages 0-1)
- Preschool (ages 2-4)
- Kids (Elementary grades K-5)
- Youth (Middle/High School Grades 6-10)

What We Believe
The Lordship of Jesus Christ
The Scriptures
The Kingdom of God
Holy Spirit
Outreach Ministries
Youth Outreach
Y.O. meets Sundays from 5-6pm
Teens Encounter Christ
T.E.C. meets Fridays from 7-9pm.
Food Ministry
This blessing is not just for people with extreme circumstances; it is for everyone! So if you could use a little help with groceries, we would love to see you.
Campus Rock Christian Fellowship
International Friends

What’s Happening